
Showing posts from April 6, 2018

Boost website rankings and traffic

  Photo by  Chang Duong  on  Unsplash Website rankings on search engines matter. Various studies  show a website in the first position on a search page gets 33% of clicks for a specific keyword query. And at least 75% of search traffic goes to websites on the first page of search results. No single marketing avenue has drawn as much enthusiasm (or has been more misunderstood) as website rankings and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). For a marketer or content producer, the first thing to consider is finding the right keywords. The next step is ensuring the website is easy to navigate and be found by the search engine for those keywords. There are simple step anyone can take to boost website rankings. The people at Websites That Sell in Australia have put together an infographic to show you. Here are 7 easy ways to boost website rankings and traffic and here’s why. MOBILE FIRST:  51.1% of web traffic originates from mobile devices in...