Create a YouTube channel

Photo by Linda Xu on Unsplash To start a YouTube channel, all you need is a Google account . Then go to YouTube and create a new channel . You will have to name your channel (you can use your name or the name of your business) and agree to the terms. There are a few things you should do before you start uploading videos: Add a channel icon The channel icon can be an image of your logo or a picture of yourself. This image will appear on your channel, on the video pages next to your name, and in the comments. Add channel art The channel art is the large banner that appears on your channel. You can use this space to add an image that’s consistent with your branding and customize it with info about your videos and your posting schedule. Add links to your blog and social media The button that helps you upload a new banner, also lets you customize links. You can add links to your website, shops, social media channels, or even to your newsletter...